Jaye Galicot, hija de José Galicot Behar, es parte del grupo que en el año 2010 se dio a la tarea de confundar Tijuana Innovadora, evento creado con el fin de promover a nivel internacional todo lo bueno de la ciudad bajacaliforniana.

Así mismo, es cofundadora de Juarez Competitiva, CEO Tikkun Olam, CDO Knoware AC, además de miembro del consejo del medio de comunicación digital Diario Judío.

En adición a lo anterior, Jaye ha destacado en diversas ponencias, incluyendo Juventud 2020: Talento sin Frontera- Jóvenes en Acción con incidencia Global junto con Daniel Bremer, Coordinador Regional Américas; Alejandra Lascurain, Presidente Nacional México-AEM Jóvenes; y Manuel Padrón, Presidente Red Viral Mx.

Jaye Galicot, daughter of Jose Galicot Behar, is part of the group that in 2010 took on the task of co-founding Tijuana Innovadora, an event created with the purpose of promoting internationally all that is good about the city of Tijuana.

She is also co-founder of Juarez Competitiva, CEO Tikkun Olam, CDO Knoware AC, as well as a member of the board of the digital media Diario Judio.

In addition to the above, Jaye has been featured in several presentations, including Youth 2020: Talent without Borders – Youth in Action with Global Impact along with Daniel Bremer, Regional Coordinator Americas; Alejandra Lascurain, National President Mexico-AEM Youth; and Manuel Padron, President Red Viral Mx.