Grow your creative business to its full potential

We provide you with information and tools to help you learn how to get your project off the ground and scale up.
Join the Creacción community!

Create a business plan that makes sense for you. 

Start and scale your business in a sustainable manner. 

Learn how to manage resources for your project.

You are a part of something bigger

Take a look at the Mapping of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem of the Cultural and Creative Industries in Tijuana. This analysis helped us develop Roadmaps and Acceleration Maps for creative people looking to participate, dialogue and express themselves through the fascinating world of the creative economy.

You can’t miss out on this mapping of the creative industry. Every talent matters. Connecting fosters best practices in project management and strengthens the overall development of the creative economy.

They told you that you were going to starve. Were they right?

  • You have an idea, but you don’t know where to begin.
  • You are confused about the accounting, administrative and legal side of things.
  • You don’t know how to protect your intellectual property.
  • You don’t know how to get your product to your ideal market.

Let's change that statistic!

Nine out of every ten startups in Mexico fail within their first year of operation. 

Register for FREE to the Roadmap
presentation Tuesday, May 30 | Club de Empresarios de BC

Building a creative and successful business is possible.
We can show you how.

We are a community of creative professionals who have already racked our brains so that you don’t have to. We want to improve the odds that your project will be a creative and lucrative success!

Creacción offers you a roadmap to launch and scale your project, with exclusive information and proven methods designed specifically for companies and individuals in the creative industry. 

How do we know all this? It didn’t come easy. A group made up of creative people, active in the academic and business communities, conducted exhaustive research and ecosystem mapping of the cultural and creative industries in Tijuana. 

Based on their findings, they created a manual for the success of the creative enterprise, and we want to share it with the entire community!

Now the information is fully accessible!

Tendrá Tijuana Innovadora tres presentaciones en Feria del Libro Tijuana 2023

Tendrá Tijuana Innovadora tres presentaciones en Feria del Libro Tijuana 2023

Como parte de las actividades de la Feria del Libro Tijuana (FLT), Tijuana Innovadora llevará a cabo tres ...
Buscan promover cultura democrática por medio de las industrias creativas

Buscan promover cultura democrática por medio de las industrias creativas

Con el objetivo de fortalecer la democracia a través de las empresas culturales y creativas, Tijuana Innovadora y ...
Ofrece Tijuana Innovadora talleres para emprendedores de industrias creativas

Ofrece Tijuana Innovadora talleres para emprendedores de industrias creativas

Como parte de visibilizar el trabajo hecho por aquellos que se dedican a las industrias creativas, Tijuana ...
Presentan mapeo de industrias creativas y culturales en Tijuana

Presentan mapeo de industrias creativas y culturales en Tijuana

A manera de buscar una mayor participación en aquellas empresas dedicadas a las industrias culturales y creativas ...
Buscan mayor fortalecimiento de las industrias creativas en la ciudad

Buscan mayor fortalecimiento de las industrias creativas en la ciudad

Como parte de buscar una mayor participación de aquellas empresas dedicadas a las industrias culturales y ...
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We provide you with information and tools that increase your probability of entrepreneurial success by up to 30%.

Stop doing things “for the love of art” and make your business successful.

Creativity should not be at odds with economic growth. Be on the winning side of statistics. Steer your efforts in the right direction; acquire the necessary information
and get your project off the ground!

A gift for the creative community

Get your guide to the 10 steps to entrepreneurship and 10 steps to scaling up your creative business.

Are you a part of Creacción yet?

At Creacción (creative action) we strive to encourage cooperation (or cooperative) networks between creative people, entrepreneurs and businesses involved in Creative and Cultural Industries (CCI), seeking to increase young people’s interest and participation by promoting cooperative networks and leadership in building entrepreneurial communities that are committed to the region.
Sign up in the Creative Industries directory for free.

Join the community and let’s grow stronger!

What are the Cultural and Creative Industries?

Those sectors of organized activity that have as their main objective the production or reproduction, the promotion, distribution, or commercialization of goods, services, and activities of content derived from cultural, artistic or heritage origins. (UNESCO)

Are you part of the CCI, also referred to as the Creative Economy?

Please identify your sector or activity. If you do not find your sector or activity, please complete the section labeled “other”.

In compliance with Mexico’s Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, we would like to inform you that your personal data is safeguarded in a confidential database owned by Tijuana Innovadora, A.C., for which we make available At your disposal the Comprehensive Privacy Notice regarding the care and management of your personal data. You may exercise at any time the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (Derechos ARCO/ARCO Rights) to said data, in the terms indicated in said notice. The purposes for which we will use said personal data are the following: to carry out the analysis, publication and dissemination of transparency and good practices reports; verification before donors of the beneficiaries who receive the services of Tijuana Innovadora; documentation of activity results; know the profile of the beneficiaries and donors of our services and activities; monitoring of the services provided; studies to determine the satisfaction of the beneficiaries; directory creation; sending information about our services according to what we consider to be of interest to our beneficiaries; sending invitations to important events. To learn more about the terms and conditions in which your personal data will be processed, such as the third parties with whom we share your personal information and the way in which you can exercise your ARCO Rights, you can consult the comprehensive privacy notice at