Tijuana innovadora 2012

Fecha del evento: 2012.

In 2012, Tijuana Innovadora continued its efforts and sought to become a truly great organization that would have a deep and meaningful impact across the region. We accomplished this by expanding upon our initial concept from 2010 and solidifying three purposeful objectives: (a) strengthen binational relations, (b) stimulate the creation of new and innovative careers, and (c) continue sharing our collective experience and methodologies at the national level. Together, we shared a common belief: Tijuana is on the road to greatness.

Tijuana innovadora 2014

Fecha del evento: 2014.

Para 2014, quisimos reencontrarnos con nuestras raíces, y lo hicimos. Reunimos a la Diáspora Mexicana, esos talentos nacionales que durante años han demostrado su gran capacidad en áreas de lo más diversas, para acercarlos a la tierra que los vio nacer, y así inspirar a las nuevas generaciones. Sin duda el mejor escenario para este emotivo reencuentro: Tijuana Innovadora.

Tijuana innovadora 2014

Fecha del evento: 2014.

In 2014, Tijuana Innovadora sought a reconnection with its roots that would create new partnerships with Mexicans living abroad. We accomplished this by moving the hearts and minds of those who desired to see Tijuana fulfill its true potential. Together, we shared a common goal: rewrite a new, brighter future for Tijuana.

Tijuana innovadora 2020

Fecha del evento: 2020.

In 2020, Tijuana Innovadora united brilliant minds from around the world that would share their experiences, teachings, and vision for a brighter, more interconnected future. We accomplished this despite the global pandemic by completely hosting and broadcasting our biennial event in digital format for the very first time. Together, we shared a common understanding: no matter how far apart we may be, we’ll still always be connected.